September, 2018
The rapid pace of change in today’s professional environment requires a responsive, ever-changing strategic plan. ISHA needs a culture of continuous innovation in order to stay relevant for our membership and those we serve. The days of creating, monitoring and updating a strategic plan are over. ISHA’s new strategic plan is continuous, always evolving to respond to the needs and issues of today’s membership.
Volunteerism and service in professional organizations is declining. ISHA feels the decline first-hand as evidenced by declining membership and inactive participation on board committees. In unity there is strength. The strategic plan is unified. Working together, strategic directions can be realized. ISHA is launching a new strategic planning process designed to drive innovation and produce responsive decisions more quickly. Our membership needs to be involved for continuous identification and analysis of the association’s most important challenges, opportunities, and decisions on potential solutions. While the strategic plan identifies larger aspirational goals, continuous strategic decision making produces a set of concrete decisions that are operationalized and codified into policy, practice, and future business plans. The unified process is intended to make strategy reviews more focused and integrated with committee work and budgeting processes.