Indiana Speech-Language-Hearing Association


National and State Association Resources

Need assistance with advocating for our profession? See the link below, which offers several Public Service Announcement videos, created by the Michigan Speech Language Hearing Association:

ISHA would also like to share a resource developed by ASHA, AOTA, and APTA for public and private insurers, employers, consumers, state regulators, and other stakeholders to evaluate the appropriateness of rehabilitation and habilitation benefit design. The link below provides the document that outlines the principles that should be evaluated when determining whether an insurance product provides adequate coverage of habilitation and rehabilitation services and devices. Rehabilitation and habilitation address function, communication, participation, mobility, and engagement limitations that result from illness, injury, disability, or other conditions. Habilitation and rehabilitation benefits are cost effective, representing only 2% of the premium for a silver marketplace plan. The link to the document is found below:

Joint Habilitation/Rehabilitation Benefit Coverage Statement: Guide to Assessing Adequacy of Benefits

ASHA has also published a guide that discusses steps that states can take to protect individuals needing medically necessary habilitative and rehabilitative services and devices. The link to the document is found below:

Speech, Language, and Hearing Services: Essential Coverage of Habilitation and Rehabilitation